Many people problems can be avoided by simply bringing more structure to your business with well-defined policies, processes, and procedures.
This requires the know-how of professional HR people with the legal experience that many small and medium businesses don’t have on hand.
We can help you with:
Role descriptions
An important way to attract the right people to your business is to clearly define each position within your company. It should be more than a list of general duties and responsibilities.
Using clear, precise, and creative language, we can help you bring both clarity and inspiration to your role descriptions, increasing your chances of finding a good fit for your business.

On-boarding and inductions
Introducing new people to your business in the right way is important. A well-executed induction process ensures that new employees understand your business and their place within it.
Our on-boarding and induction services cover all the essentials of employee and employer expectations, integrating new people in preparation for many successful years with you.
Policies and procedures
Clearly defining and communicating company policies and procedures saves confusion and potential conflict further down the line.
We help you manage your people’s expectations by designing a tailored solution that brings clarity for every member of your team.

Defining competencies
Identifying competencies brings more clarity to expectations: employers can better evaluate and develop behaviours and employees know what they need tobe productive.
We can help you design a structured model for identifying competencies that help your business achieve its goals and grow – in line with your wider values.
Objective setting and KPIs
How well is your business performing? Better than expectations or could it improve? You need to create a framework for measuring how you are doing by setting objectives and KPIs.
We can help you establish strategic and operational goals and set objectives for the near future against which you can easily evaluate your progress.