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In-House HR Training

Support and expertise for your in-house HR team

Are there times when your in-house HR team needs extra support?

Perhaps your people are stretched during a period of growth; you are running some special projects that require some expertise in specific areas; or you want to redefine certain areas of the business like policies and procedures.
Creating an optimal workplace culture can be very demanding – and our professionals are on hand to lend their support wherever needed.

HR consultant giving employee surveys.

Consultation on projects

We can advise on specific projects you are running – everything from helping you to design employee surveys to implementing cultural change initiatives.

HR consultant teaching in-house HR latest regulations

In-house training

If your HR team needs updating on the latest regulations or in developing specific skills, we can assist with in-house training on everything from Equity in the Workplace to Workplace Health and Safety.

Talk to us about In-house HR training